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Supporting Shrewsbury

July 2, 2020
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Shrewsbury is home to our second Showroom at 86 Wyle Cop. As Shrewsbury begins to open its doors we look forward to welcoming you back and helping you discover what makes Shrewsbury a truly original destination.

Explore its higgledy piggledy streets surrounded by a river that scoops up the town in a loop. A mix of the very old and the very new. The quirky and the one-off.

Pay a visit to our shrewsbury showroom for some friendly non-pressured advice on how we can help with your home improvement project! Then after, why not pop next door to our neighbours at Peaberry Cafe and Bar for some brunch/lunch/drinks. Make a day of it!

Check out the Original Shrewsbury website to see what else Shrewsbury has to offer! Original Shrewsbury 

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