3 Fantastic Front Door Entrance Ideas
A front door is one the first things that you notice about a home. If you’re front door is well kept then good on you, you obviously value the money you invested into your front door. So now’s the time to make it look even more stylish and adding some finishing touches to make it […]
5 Signs you need new double glazed windows
Many homeowners put off getting new double glazed windows because of the cost to them. However what they don’t realise is that it’s costing them more in the long run. Homeowners should see getting double glazing as an investment especially when it comes to selling in the future. Double glazing is now seen mostly as […]
How to Care for UPVC windows
Nothing says a clean home like sparkling uPVC windows but it’s quite a challenge to keep them clean especially when you’ve cobwebs, bird droppings, smeared creepy crawlies, muddy rain, children’s fingerprints and so on. Keeping your windows clean inside and outside is a challenge but it can be done. Infact, uPVC windows are a popular […]
10 Window Treatment Trends for Spring
You’ve put a lot of time and effort into what kind of windows you want for your home but now you’d like to make them integrate into your home – fit them in with your interiors. Since the seasons are changing and a spring clean and spruce is on the way, in this post, we’ll […]